Monday, April 20, 2009


The other day I was listening to the radio, and the Air Personality back announced three songs, and then talked about what the artists who he just played were doing on twitter.

He then prompted the listener to tweet in their requests and comments, without mentioning a telephone number, gave the station outro into the commercial set. Soon (by this summer) the commercials will end with Rick Party saying "@sosoandso on Twitter.

If the DJ had real twitter game...he would do tweetups and make extra $$$. 

Sunday, April 19, 2009

#CORE10 ---> Core DJs RETWEET

The SXSW Festival damn near took over Twitter with their #SXSW hag tag...You can do the same thing this upcoming Core DJ Retreat in Atlanta.

If you are going to the event, thanks in advance for posting tweets, pictures and video from the retreat...if you're not going to the 10th Core DJ Retreat, make sure you follow the #CORE10 hash tag (using services like during the event to stay up on whats happening at the event!

The #CORE10 hash tag can also be used by Tony and his crew to remind remind attendee's of events, send links of maps to venues, any unforseen last minute changes, etc, etc.

I  have to hold down the fort here at home until the end of the school year, so I won't be able to make it to the 10th Core DJ Retreat...but I'll be at the first Core DJ RETWEET! 

Peace to all the Core DJs, and every DJ crew thats keeping the game popping and the culture strong!

How to search on Twitter...and why.

When it comes to search, I'm starting to like Twitter more than Google. 

Why? When I search on Google, their software tries to guess what I want, sometimes it works GREAT, and sometimes I have to spend 15 minutes searching for something that should be super easy to find.

When I use Twitter to search for something, I am connected to a PERSON that recommened or wrote/made/recorded something I want. I can tweet with them, email them, call them, video chat, IM, exchange notes on social networks...whew.

Twitter decentralized the internet. If you use Twitter right you can connect with whatever you want.

WHY should you know how to search on Twitter?

As more people use Twitter, as a brand you need to be ahead of the curve. Start reading more than just my blog is step one. Experiment with sites like so you can familarize your self with user trends and search techniques.

Here's some Twitter search examples:

My family is trying to decide on getting either a Doberman or Rhodesian Ridgeback when we move to MIA this summer. I wanted more info so I searched Twitter for both dogs, to connect with actual owners!

Let's say I was a ummmm DJ. A DJ that was having a party in Chicago. I have a urban clothing sponsor, and a vodka sponsor. I would use to get these results.

As a DJ or Event promoter, you can use Twitter to contact people directly. If you communicate using regular communication protocols, not sounding all spammy you can not only get followers, but develop real business and social relationships.

Why do I do this? Because we are launching one of the hottest mobile projects you have seen in the near future, and I want to show and prove that I enjoy what you do, I appreciatate what you do, and I am in your corner.

Empowering the DJs and Event Promoters is one of the things we need to do to keep culture alive. If we leave it to the corporate bloodsuckers, they are going to continue to pervert the culture. Imagine if a DJ could break a record from an independent label, and promote a premium mobile widget, acquiring 20,000 customers paying $2.99 a month, with tons of fans on the different social networks. The artist then does tours to the venues in the network that was set up using twitter, etc (kinnda like the chittlin circuit back in the days). You can ask cats like Fab and Planet Asia. A record deal is not a pre-requisite to success, sometimes a record deal can hold you back.

If you are already a successful DJ or Event Planner, you already have a social network of real people that enjoy what you do, and trust you to be the person that tells them whats cool, and whats not. You are the Alpha Tastemaker of culture. There are people out here that MUST HAVE every mixtape you make, want to know about every party you DJ, every remix you produce, etc. The question is how do you make a comfortable living from digital media? I'll give you a's not by selling music. Its all about selling your brand.

I'll be dropping jewels regularly on how you can make moves using web based services, all questions and comments are welcome. I don't pretend to know everything, if you have suggestions or would like to contribute a guest commentary, please contact me.

Monday, April 13, 2009

WTF is a # for on Twitter?

The hash mark (#) before a word in a post allows you to tag that post for that word. By tagging a word, you make it easier for people to find your tweets using services like:, and tons of other twitter search engines.

Here's an example of how you can use the # mark in your posts:

#party allnight #saturday in #ATL!!! #Club Freekydeeky 123 W. Hotmama Rd LET'S GOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!

If your #DJ crew used a hash mark like #CORE, #APHL, #TJSDJS, #HVHTR, #SVL #HTMN, #BSQ, #PTBL it would be waaay easier to monitor your crew's tweets! 

You can also tell your followers to subscribe to any updates that contain your tag by posting “follow #tag” (without the quotes) in Twitter.

PLEASE TAKE OVER THE GAME!!!!! Corporate America is trying to destroy Hip Hop and Music like they destroyed the Banking Industry!


Friday, April 10, 2009

Twitter tips for DJ's and Promoters!


You know I got your back right? Well, I got your front too! I got you on BOTH sides my Twigga!

I wanted to share a few twitter tools with you that you might want to use to promote your brand and events to potential clients and partygoers...

First up is one of my favorites!


Hootsuite is the shit...from their website

"HootSuite is the ultimate Twitter toolbox. With HootSuite, you can manage multiple Twitter profiles, add multiple editors, pre-schedule tweets, and measure your success.

HootSuite lets you manage your entire Twitter experience from one easy-to-use interface.

Creating an account is easy. Enter your Twitter username and password, and add a profile for each Twitter account you wish to manage. Got more than one tweeter per profile? Add multiple editors.

Then get going! Post live or pre-schedule tweets. Check stats and analytics right from the dashboard. Search Twitter for keyword information. Reply @ and Direct Message the folks in your conversation. Do all this and more from one fantastic interface."


My favorite feature is the "send later" functionality...I can create tweets in the morning and send them out throughout the day, and get an email notification when my tweet is sent! I also like how HootSuite lets you track how many clicks your links get...Check it out, HootSuite is a real time saver.

Here are a few other VERY powerful Twitter tools to use to search tweets for what and who you need to connect with, and also is a super powerful tool to use for managing your brand across the internet.   (Real Time Twitter Search & Reputation Management)

http://TwiTR.Me          (Cross Social Network Messaging Bus)     (Twitter Based Online Web Conference Platform)      (Twitter based  MeetUp service)

Let ne know how you work out with these...If you have any questions, get at me my Twigg!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

the response has been tremendous...

...and I'm frustrated. VERY frustrated! We won't be launching for a couple of months here in the US. 

The cool part is, we earned a provisional patent, and are close to a full patent of our technology. No one can move in on our territory without our permission, which is VERY cool.

When we DO launch...My job on the team is to provide effective service to all the heavy hitters using our innovative mobile tools.

So until then, keep the mixtapes, singles and party info coming! I will update this blog regularly with news and analysis of mobile technology and how it applies to you.

Speaking of should check out my list of followers and people I'm following in Twitter - If you want to connect with tastemakers from the US and Canada. I only follow DJ's, Promoters, and Event Planners. I am not a Twitterer that follows anyone they see, I specifically put the mobile_tickets twitter account together to communicate with the backbone of the entire entertainment industry.

Check out this Old School DJ Battle:

More coming soon!