Friday, April 10, 2009

Twitter tips for DJ's and Promoters!


You know I got your back right? Well, I got your front too! I got you on BOTH sides my Twigga!

I wanted to share a few twitter tools with you that you might want to use to promote your brand and events to potential clients and partygoers...

First up is one of my favorites!


Hootsuite is the shit...from their website

"HootSuite is the ultimate Twitter toolbox. With HootSuite, you can manage multiple Twitter profiles, add multiple editors, pre-schedule tweets, and measure your success.

HootSuite lets you manage your entire Twitter experience from one easy-to-use interface.

Creating an account is easy. Enter your Twitter username and password, and add a profile for each Twitter account you wish to manage. Got more than one tweeter per profile? Add multiple editors.

Then get going! Post live or pre-schedule tweets. Check stats and analytics right from the dashboard. Search Twitter for keyword information. Reply @ and Direct Message the folks in your conversation. Do all this and more from one fantastic interface."


My favorite feature is the "send later" functionality...I can create tweets in the morning and send them out throughout the day, and get an email notification when my tweet is sent! I also like how HootSuite lets you track how many clicks your links get...Check it out, HootSuite is a real time saver.

Here are a few other VERY powerful Twitter tools to use to search tweets for what and who you need to connect with, and also is a super powerful tool to use for managing your brand across the internet.   (Real Time Twitter Search & Reputation Management)

http://TwiTR.Me          (Cross Social Network Messaging Bus)     (Twitter Based Online Web Conference Platform)      (Twitter based  MeetUp service)

Let ne know how you work out with these...If you have any questions, get at me my Twigg!

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