Sunday, April 19, 2009

#CORE10 ---> Core DJs RETWEET

The SXSW Festival damn near took over Twitter with their #SXSW hag tag...You can do the same thing this upcoming Core DJ Retreat in Atlanta.

If you are going to the event, thanks in advance for posting tweets, pictures and video from the retreat...if you're not going to the 10th Core DJ Retreat, make sure you follow the #CORE10 hash tag (using services like during the event to stay up on whats happening at the event!

The #CORE10 hash tag can also be used by Tony and his crew to remind remind attendee's of events, send links of maps to venues, any unforseen last minute changes, etc, etc.

I  have to hold down the fort here at home until the end of the school year, so I won't be able to make it to the 10th Core DJ Retreat...but I'll be at the first Core DJ RETWEET! 

Peace to all the Core DJs, and every DJ crew thats keeping the game popping and the culture strong!

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